Tuesday, May 29, 2012

CHR Korat Day 2: English Programme

Group briefing - to prepare the reading mentors for the programme ahead.

In the first school that we visited, the mentors are in action - teaching the Thai students commonly-used English words

Another group of mentors leading the Thai students in reading out the words on the flash cards.

A happy and satisfied student from the programme.

Another pair of reading mentors in action.

Another pair of reading mentors in action. The different pairs took turns to lead the students in reading the flashcards.

Group photo at the first school we visited.

Our VP, Mr Clement Lim, presenting a token to the principal of the school.

After lunch, we went to a second school. The reading mentors led the students in reading "Bark, Sparkle, Bark!", written by our very own Tan Xue Ting (who was one of the reading mentors!).

Teaching the students to read the book.

Different mentors had different strategies.

Some prefer small group reading.

Another strategy: One mentor led the reading session while the other went around to help.

Two mentors reading the book in front of all the Thai students in the second school.

Our very helpful and loving translator, Prai, explaining the details of the book to the students in Thai.

Our VP, Mr Clement Lim, presenting a token to the principal of the second school.

Each student received a pencil as a reward for completing the programme.

~ End of Day 2 - EL Programme~

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